2018 – A Year of Creating

Looking back on 2018, I see delight, discoveries, triumph, growth, and creativeness. A sense of wonder fills me as I take a deeper look at all that has occurred – age allows reflection and deeper understanding – all with a sense of awe and gratitude.
My sister shared her word for 2019 on Facebook recently, spurring others to share theirs as well. Hers was delight – a perfect word for a sister who is always stretching and personally moving into new endeavors – new hobbies – new relationships.
It took me only a few minutes to decide on my word for 2019 – WONDER. I’m in a stage of life where I’m exploring things more deeply and I’m fascinated with what I discover.

My Assemblage Art will be taking a new turn in 2019. Creating found object collages will remain my main line; each resembles a puzzle as it slowly reveals its final form and I find that sheer fun. My larger line of Assemblage Art will be introduced in the first quarter of 2019. I’ll probably refer to it more as 3D Collage to put a slightly different spin on these larger art pieces.
I continue to learn new processes – the end of 2018 was filled with learning at least a half dozen new techniques. I’ll be implementing much of it in my larger art line.
I’ll soon be teaching my first Assemblage Art class in Tulsa. Let me know if you are interested. I simply love teaching others about art.

AND, the grandest happening of all planned for 2019? I’ve enrolled in TWO classes in Eureka Springs School of the Arts. I have eagerly awaited the chance to participate in this school. In July, I’ll be attending a 5 day Papier-Mache course – can’t wait! And in August, I’ll return for a 4 day Polymer Clay Mosaics class – anticipation is great! You’ll be hearing more about these events as the year progresses.
Now for a brief look back at some of my SOLD artworks from 2018. Looking back, I see I sold more than I recalled so I won’t be listing all of the sold work – rather just a taste. You’ll find these works sprinkled throughout this post and beneath.

2019 promises to be a year of immense creativeness! My hope is that you will find even more ways to be creative in the coming year.