If It Doesn’t Work… Change It
You will hear from experienced Mixed Media and Assemblage artists that if you aren’t happy with a finished art piece – change it. After all, by its very nature it is made up of multiple layers and usually elements stacked upon more elements. It’s easy to change the color – just paint it all with gesso and start again.
I’ve started over on a number of earlier projects that I just couldn’t talk myself into listing for sale as they were missing something – maybe a bit of pizzazz or possibly it just didn’t end up looking like MY work. Here’s one of my recent redos – and I love the result!

My original work just lacked the “me” factor. Although I loved the soft colors and texturing, I was far from satisfied with the end product.

At first, I played with the existing colors, trying to spruce up their appeal. Then, I tried adding more elements – to a piece I originally intended to have a center focal point and little else in the way of embellishments. I didn’t care for the blue rocks extending from two corners of the center frame so I added micro beads… and that pleased me even less. Finally, I painted the entire piece with gesso.
And since my original idea had failed, I changed my vision. I knew I had to cover those rocks and that meant more elements. So I thought bright colors and fun embellishments and lots of whimsey.
So, next time you find yourself displeased by a finished work or just feel like one of your creations in process isn’t working, change your tune. Change the story you want to tell. You will find that your redo progresses surprisingly quickly as so much of your basic work is already completed. Enjoy the process!