Sheltering in Place – an Artistic Challenge

With COVID-19 threatening to knock on our door, I’ve been following the social distancing guidelines as well as staying in most of the time as both my husband and I fall into high risk categories. My concentration has been on the art of staying still as I’m not one who is naturally disposed to do so. I’m an extrovert and love to visit with family (grandkids!) and friends and attend one event or another. Bored is not a word that anyone could use to describe me as I’m always moving, creating, and searching for new ideas. I’m often out wandering around junk malls and estate sales to find the many vintage found objects used in my assemblage wall art. Needless to say, it’s taken me a while to settle into this new quieter routine.
Fortunately, my husband and I have a cabin getaway far into the country on the side of the world’s tallest hill, Cavanal Hill, in southeast Oklahoma. (Google “world’s tallest hill” and you will find us there.) đŸ™‚ After staying in our city home for the first two weeks, I decided to temporarily move to the cabin as there is ample room to roam around outside and the “sheltering in place” doesn’t feel so restrictive. I brought with me a large amount of art supplies needed for assemblage art and I’m ready to create.

So far, this time of sheltering in place both at home and the cabin, has ultimately proven to be very productive when it comes to creating new art. I’ve finished at least a half dozen pieces – large and small. But I had to force myself to begin – it took days of restlessness before I could finally focus.
I don’t have all six of those finished pieces at the cabin with me so I don’t have photos of all to share. Photo sessions of finished work have been placed on the back burner as I prepare for a show. However, using my phone, I took a few quick shots of several finished pieces on the cabin’s back porch to provide a glimpse of new pieces coming soon.

And another canvas in process measures 22″ x 28″ – large for assemblage art. Although it sits on an easel, it is not finished. I’m still shaping the central design – need to get it just right. It will happen… I’m leaving it for a few days and then I know, the finish will come easier.

Another important part of removing the “coronavirus blues” was the addition of a kitten into our household. I named him Blu and his antics are absolutely hilarious. I call him my “Art Kitty in training.” He’s with me constantly looking through every embellishment and chasing each dropped bead.

I know it’s been a while since I posted. My apologies. I was shocked at how long it’s been. I’m putting it all on COVID-19.
Enjoy art in whatever way you can!