The Studio Is Humming Again

Whew! The past six weeks have been filled with one travel event after another which means I had to temporarily slow things down at Art Creations by Vicky. First, I traveled for a week with my husband and visited the mountains of Colorado – a favorite destination.
Then, it was on to Cousins Camp – a week with my older grandchildren at our cabin. We create a number of art projects, take field trips, and spend a LOT of time outdoors enjoying good old mother nature. We don’t play with toys or electronics or watch TV – it’s all about old-fashioned quality time together. Here you see two of this year’s projects – first, paintings for the interior of the new treehouse Pop just built and second, painted rocks which we added to Cousins Trail. With four Cousins Camps in our past, we now have around 60 painted rocks on that trail!

Within days of Cousins Camp, I traveled with family members to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Mn. I was there to provide care for my young grandsons as their parents went to the clinic daily. Twelve days later, we returned home with hope in our hearts.
And in the midst of all that activity, every free hour I had at home when I stopped in for a day or two, was utilized creating my largest work to date – a commissioned assemblage wall art piece that is now at its new home in Massachusetts.
Again, whew!

During those six weeks, I purposefully slowed my Etsy shop down by extending shipping times and suspending all promotional activities. Now, we’re back to our regular shipping and I’m tweaking my listings to encourage views once again. Many don’t realize just how much time Etsy shop owners must spend online each week just letting Etsy know we are alive and interested in selling. If you don’t work your shop daily online, your listings are less likely to appear in customer searches. So, my laptop is never far away right now as I tackle those duties little by little.
And, of course, the art. I am brimming with ideas right now and have two larger canvases in the works. I was so very tired that first night after returning from my last trip but I couldn’t settle in until I arranged my art studio for working those two canvases the next morning. I’m now surrounded by the organized mess of assemblage art – coordinated piles of found objects, beads, and bits of fabric (and more) are just a few of the things you’ll see around each canvas. Ahhh – just the way it is supposed to be. More on those pieces soon.
It’s good to be back home and my art studio!