A Raven’s Outlook
My latest steampunk design that is really much more than just steampunk… it satisfies those looking for steampunk but also carries an appeal for all who appreciate Assemblage Art on canvas. On a 14″ by 11″ canvas, I’m calling it A Raven’s Outlook and it’s on the larger side of what you will usually find listed for sale at Art Creations by Vicky.

Although I always work around a focal point, I usually don’t have a theme – I let the observer interpret what is on the canvas. But this time, the piece took on a theme I didn’t plan… it contains something a little fun for Game of Thrones (GOT) fans. When I started this piece, I had just watched the Season 7 finale and was feeling lots of love for this imaginative series. Every time I watch a GOT episode, I’m particularly taken with the visuals contained in its opening credits. I have to watch the complete opening – I just love seeing all the buildings rising from the earth one by one. As always, with any of my art pieces, I started A Raven’s Outlook by establishing the focal point. I quickly realized I was creating my assemblage version of those GOT rooftops. Can any GOT fans see it besides me?! If not, just know that it’s what inspired me and when I lay my eyes on this piece, I hear the GOT theme song playing in my head! 🙂
And now for the details…
A Raven’s Outlook
Steampunk – it’s hugely popular and sales verify that popularity. Once again, my supply of steampunk canvases has dwindled and I’m busy creating new works majoring in my steampunk version of Assemblage Art on canvas and this is the latest – fresh from my art studio. I’m not one who gets into the floating legs or hollow eyed doll faces one often sees in steampunk art; I prefer to concentrate instead on the industrial and Victorian aspects of this fascinating science fantasy sub-genre.
On a 14″ x 11″ stretched canvas, the depth of this piece is 1.5″. The background has multiple coats and spritzes of paint with stenciled textured designs and pieces of spooky cloth providing additional dimension. Multiple layers of embellishments are added which are further finished off with metallique and antique waxes and more spritzes of paint.
Assemblage is the method of creating a larger art piece from smaller objects. Best described as a 3D collage on canvas, it contains numerous vintage “found objects” as well as newer embellishments. This piece includes over 90 embellishments/found objects and more than 200 metal beads.
Vintage elements include: large metal flower, adding machine keys, washers, wooden leaves, various earrings, wood round, bracelet links, jewelry makings, beaded earring, beads, two brooches, and buttons. Newer pieces provide its pure steampunk look with such items as gears, clock faces, ancient symbol, raven, metal balls, Vitruvian man, flower face, crown, knob, sun, cabochons, heart, juggling pin, bow and arrow and various metal embellishments.
Original article updated Nov, 2017 to include current status: SOLD
Dimensions: 14″ x 11 x 1.50″
Hangers are attached and, while I prefer the no-frame look, this is ready for framing. This piece will also display nicely on a large table easel.
All art sold at Art Creations by Vicky is the work of artist Vicky Hensley and one of a kind.